Location and Contacts

Dr Andrea Sciscio, MD FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon

Viale Pasteur, 78 00144 Roma
email: studiooculisticoeur@gmail.com
Telephone: 06929192233755488665
Emergencies Mobile N: 3336402556

tel:+390692919223Additional information

Conveniently located in the commercial heart of the EUR and well connected by public transport and close to the GRA.

By Car

Near Via Cristoforo Colombo, Obelisco area and easily reachable from the Grande Raccordo Anulare, exit 26 direction EUR – Roma Centro. On-street or paid parking at the EUR Palasport Metro station, 300 meters from the Viale Pasteur, 78 00144 Rome

Public transport

By bus: numerous bus lines serve the Viale Europa area

By Metro:

  • Line B – EUR Palasport stop

Prenota la tua visita Oculistica con:
Oculista Roma Eur – Dott. Andrea Sciscio Primario Chirurgo

Prenota la tua visita Oculistica con:
Oculista Roma Eur – Dr. Andrea Sciscio Primario Chirurgo

Può prenotare in autonomia scegliendo prima il tipo di prestazione e poi data ed orario dal calendario:

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