Rome EUR Eye Clinic
Dr. Andrea Sciscio, MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon


Oculoplastics is a subspecialty within Ophthalmology that deals with problems relating to the eyelids, tear passages and the orbit (bony socket of the eye). Dr. Sciscio completed his residency at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London; and then undertook subspecialty training in Oculoplastics under the guidance of Prof. Richard Collin at Moorfields. He subsequently moved to Moorfileds Dubai where he was in charge of the Oculoplastics Department for eight years.


Since 1995 performs modern cataract surgery with phacoemulsification. Has acquired in-depth experience with multifocal intraocular lenses that allow good vision for distance intermediate and near. Holds regular courses at international meetings and has thought many students.
Surgery is undertaken as a day case usually with only anaesthetic drops.


Dr Sciscio has started with laser surgery to correct myopia long-sightedness and astigmatism in 1999 when he undertook a fellowship under the guidance of Professor John Marshal at St Thomas Hospital London, the inventor of laser excimer laser surgery. Dr. Sciscio offers a custom approach from advanced surface ablation to Femto-LASIK surgery.

Book your eye consultation with:
Dr. Andrea Sciscio, MD FRCOphth Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
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Please consider that almost all patients require drops to dilate the pupils. A routine consultation lasts around 1 hour, for paediatrics the length is a little longer approx. 90 minutes.

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