Graduated in Italy with honours in the 1992 academic year.


He undertook specialist training at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, becoming a member of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London. Thanks to a systematic and highly supervised teaching, Dr Sciscio acquired surgical and clinical experience in all areas of eye surgery with a structured and modern approach.

The specialist training program has been recognised by the European Community and validated by the Italian Ministry of Health with the assignment of the Specialist Certificate in Ophthalmology at the University of Milan, discussing an experimental thesis with Prof Rosario Brancato.


At St. Thomas Hospital in London he worked with Prof John Marshall, father of laser refractive surgery, for an MD in ocular biomechanics. By introducing the application of a new technique in ophthalmology based on speckle interferometry, it was possible for the first time to qualitatively evaluate the changes induced by LASIK surgery on the cornea with a non-invasive technique. In 1999 he conducted clinical trials of laser surgery for the correction of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism for approval by the American FDA.


Anterior Segment

At Moorfields he has acquired in-depth experience in the management of complex pathologies of the cornea, both as regards surgical (corneal transplant) and medical management. Operating with advanced laser techniques and equipment for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Dr Sciscio has specifically managed complex cataract surgery such as after corneal transplantation, uveitis (inflammation) and after glaucoma surgery.


Dr Sciscio has acquired detailed experience in the field of Oculoplastics. Thanks to the teaching obtained with Prof. Richard Collin, considered one of the founders of European Oculoplastic Surgery, Dr Sciscio has been able to deal with the management of complex cases. Oculoplastica deals with the correction of deformity of the eyelids both congenital and acquired (ptosis, ectropion and entropion); and also of the management from removal to reconstruction of eyelid tumours with the most advanced techniques. He practices tear duct surgery in both children and adults to correct problems with water eyes; and manages problems concerning the orbit both from a medical and surgical point of view for diseases such as facial paresis, ocular problems related to the thyroid gland and tumours of the orbit.

Dr Sciscio regularly conducts eyelid cosmetic surgery with modern blepharoplasty techniques (correction of skin redundancy and eye-bags) under local anaesthesia on an outpatient basis. Surgery is complemented in many cases by non-surgical techniques such as the injection of “fillers” based on hyaluronic acid and Botox for the correction of wrinkles or static depressions and expression lines respectively and also of exfoliants for the treatment of superficial degenerative changes of the eyelid skin.


Best presentation at the Congress of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) held in Boston in 2000.

Recipient of the American Society of Visual Sciences (ARVO) award from the Bietti Foundation in 2001.

Grant for Research in Ophthalmology at St Thomas Hospital in London in 2002.

SOM first place 1996.


Dr Sciscio has particularly promoted the promulgation of knowledge and has always taken every opportunity in the clinic and in the operating room to teach younger colleagues both theoretically and practically.

He led:

  • theoretical-practical courses for teaching cataract surgery for specialists:
    Western Eye Hospital, London
  • modules for teaching ophthalmology for medical students:
    St Thomas’ Hospital, London and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London
  • Lessons for trainees:Moorfields Eye Hospital, London and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London
  • Didactic Department Director:
    Moorfields Eye Hospital, Dubai





Age-related events in human active T lymphocytes: changes in the Phosphoinositidase C activity.
Di Pietro R, Rana R, Sciscio A, Marmiroli S, Billi AM, Cataldi A, Cocco L.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1993; 194: 566-570.

Age-related events in active T lymphocytes during mitogenic stimulation: electron microscopic and flow cytometric analysis.
Di Pietro R, Centurione L, Zamai L, Santavenere E, Centurione MA, Sciscio A, Rana R.
European Journal of Histochemistry. 1993; 37/suppl.: 24.

Age-related events in active T lymphocyte sub-population: a morphological study.
Rana R, Di Pietro R, Centurione L, Vitale M, Zamai L, Sciscio A, Mazzotti G.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 1994; 73: 17-25.

Age and training related events in active T lymphocytes. Changes in polyphosphoinositides during mitogenic stimulation.
Di Pietro R, Rana R, Sciscio A, Centurione L, Centurione AM, Mazzotti G.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 1996; 90: 103-109.

Optical performance of multiple intraocular lenses in polypseudophakia for extremely short eyes.
Hull C, Liu CSC, Sciscio A.
British Journal of Ophthalmology.1999,83:

Severe capsular phimosis following AcrySof IOL insertion.
Sciscio A, Liu CSC
British Journal of Ophathalmology. 1999,83:989-990.

Optical cylinder designs to increase the field of vision in the osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis.
Hull CC, Liu CS, Sciscio A, Eleftheriadis H, Herold J.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2000 Dec;238(12):1002-8.

Early British results of Osteo-odonto-keratoproshtesis.
Sciscio A, Herold J, Hull C, Liu CSC.
Anales del Instituto Barraquer. (Barc.) 2001;30:59-63.

Design of the Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis optic: Improving the Field of Vision.
Hull CC, Liu CSC, Sciscio A.
Anales Del Instituto Barraquer. (Barc.) 2001;30:197-8.

Visual Fields with an Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis
Hull CC. Edgar DF, Liu CSC, Sciscio A.
Anales Del Instituto Barraquer. (Barc.) 2001;30:191-2.

Effectiveness of Apraclonidine in preventing intraocular pressure rise following macular hole surgery.
Sciscio A, Casswell AG.
Br J Ophthalmol. 2001 Feb;85(2):164-8.

The transnasal advancement flap: a technique for medial canthal area defects.
Sciscio A, N Joshi
Orbit. Jun 2001;20(2):141-147.

Periocular Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Results of a Dual Site Service.
A Sciscio, M Mulhern, K Stewart, R Barlow, B Coghlan, N Waterhouse, N Joshi.
Orbit. Sep 2001;20(3):209-215.

Primary polypseudophakia for cataract surgery in hypermetropic eyes: refractive results and long term stability of the implants within the capsular bag.
Eleftheriadis H, Sciscio A, Ismail A, Hull CC, Liu C.
Br J Ophthalmol 2001 Oct;85(10):1198-202.

Fourier analysis of induced irregular astigmatism. Photorefractive keratectomy versus laser in situ keratomileusis in a bilateral cohort of hyperopic patients.
Sciscio A, Hull CC, Stephenson CG, Baldwin H, O’Brart D, Marshall J.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003 Sep;29(9):1709-17.

Glare and halo with refractive correction.
Allen RJ, Saleh GM, Litwin AS, Sciscio A, Beckingsale AB, Fitzke FW.
Clin Exp Optom. 2008 Mar;91(2):156-60.

The laparotomy incision: a technique to facilitate capsulorhexis in microincision cataract surgery.
O’Connor JC, O’Connell ED, Sciscio A, Mulhern MG.
Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2008 Nov-Dec;39(6):519-21.

Post-capsulotomy dysphotopsia in monofocal versus multifocal lenses.
Allen R, Ho-Yen GO, Beckingsale AB, Fitzke FW, Sciscio A, Saleh GM.
Clin Exp Optom. 2009 Mar;92(2):104-9.

Riviste non indicizzate

Case report on spontaneous hyphaema from an iris neovascular tuft.
Sciscio A, Liu CSC.
Ophthalmo-News. 1997; num. 15.

Case report on polypseudophakia.
Sciscio A, Liu CSC.
Ophthalmo-News. 1997; num. 16.

Indications and technique of modern Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) surgery.
Liu CSC, Sciscio A, Smith G, Pagliarini S, Herold J.
Eye News. 1998; 5: 17-22.


Ageing and mitogenic stimulation: analysis in active T Lymphocytes sub-population (T-ea.).
Di Pietro R, Centurione L, Sciscio A, Rana R.
Italian Society of Anatomy, Bologna 1990.

Age-related functional modifications during mitogenic stimulation in active T lymphocytes sub-population.
Rana R, Di Pietro R, Centurione L, Sciscio A, Antonucci A.
Italian Society of Anatomy, Sassari 1991.

Phospholipase C activity analysis in active T lymphocytes during ageing.
Di Pietro R, Rana R, Centurione L, Sciscio A, Antonucci A.
Italian Society of Anatomy, Santa Margherita Ligure 1992.

An unusual cause of IIIrd nerve palsy.
Sciscio A, Fouladi MK, Deutsch J.
Herefordshire Medical Society 1996.

Review on Iris Neovascular Tufts.
Sciscio A, Poon W, Liu CSC.
Southern Ophthalmological Society, Brighton 1996.

Topical versus sub-conjunctival anaesthesia for phacoemulsification cataract surgery-Randomised prospective study.
Fouladi MK, Sciscio A, While A, Deutsch J.
Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham 1997.

Visual perception during topical phacoemulsification cataract surgery: is this a real problem?
Sciscio A, Fouladi MK, While A, Deutsch J.
Registrar Prize, Royal Society of Medicine, London 1997.

Is it time for a new attitude to simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery?
Smith G, Sciscio A, Liu CSC.
UKISCRS, Chester 1997.

Polypseudophakia need not scare you!
Sciscio A, Smith G, CSC Liu.
UKISCRS, Chester 1997.

Effectiveness of Apraclonidine 1{f41b8f6fb753ffddef9325fd3a43d0beafc65648567813d504441f6babbdd7fd} in preventing intraocular pressure rise following macular hole surgery.
Sciscio A, Smith G, Vakalis AN, Moate B, Casswell AG.
ARVO, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1998;39:s837.

Indications and technique for secondary polypseudophakia.
Sciscio A, Hull C, Liu C.
Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Cardiff 1999.

Early British results of modern Falcinelli osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) surgery Sciscio A, Liu CSC, Herold J, Hull C.
Royal College of Ophthalmologists meeting, Cardiff 1999., Oxford Congress 1999.
International KPro, Birmingham 1999.

Prospective analysis of contrast sensitivity: PRK versus LASIK in the treatment of hyperopia.
Sciscio A, Baldwin H, Ilari L, O’Brart D, Marshall J.
UKISCRS, Chester 1999.

Safety Issues in Corneal Surgery: Electronic Speckle Interferometry as a Tool to determine Corneal Elasticity Changes following Refractive Surgery.
Sciscio A, Petzing JN, Tyrer JR, Marshall J.
ARVO, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000;41(4):S717.

Haze after Exciter Laser treatment of Hypermetropia: PRK versus LASIK.
Sciscio A, Stephenson CG, Baldwin HC, O’Brart D, Marshall J.
ASRCS, Boston 2000.

The transnasal advancement flap: a technique for medial canthal area defects.
Sciscio A, Mulhern M, Coghlan B, Waterhouse N, Joshi N.
Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Birmingham 2001.

Conjunctivochalasis’ surgical management: The fornix stretch with thermal conjunctivoplasty.
Sciscio A, Joshi N
ESOPRS, Santiago de Compostela 2001.

Floppy Lower Eyelids: What do we do?
Sciscio A, N Joshi.
BOPSS, Birmingham 2001. ESOPRS, Santiago de Compostela 2001.

Corneal Wavefront Aberrations following Treatment of Hypermetropia: PRK vs LASIK.
Sciscio A, Hjordtal J, Stultiens B, Stephenson C, Baldwin H, O’Brart D, Marshall J.
ASCRS, San Diego 2001. SILO, Cortina 2001.

Analysis of Biomechanical Changes in Excimer Laser Refractive surgery.
Sciscio A, Petzing J, Tyrer J, Marshall J.
ARVO, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001;42.3896.

Remove the grove!
Sciscio A, Gandhi J, Beckingsale A.
UKISCRS, Chester 2001.

Acanthamoeba keratitis monotherapy trial of Polyhexamethylene Biguanide vs Chlorhexidine.
Sciscio A, Lim N, Ficker L.
Società Italiana Cellule Staminali e Superficie Oculare, Venezia 2005.

Impression cytology as a tool to detect limbal stem cell failure.
Sciscio A, Dart J
Società Italiana Cellule Staminali e Superficie Oculare, Roma 2006.

Gestione dei tumori perioculari con tecnica di Mohs.
Sciscio, A.
Congresso Annuale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Oculoplastica, Roma 2008.

Lower lid blepharoplasty ab interno techniques comparison.
Sciscio A.
International Congress Oman, Salalah, July 2008.

Periorbital Trauma management.
Sciscio A.
International Congress Oman, Salalah, July 2008.

Doctor do I need a Blepharoplasty? The Ophthalmologists’ perspective.
Sciscio A.
Anti-Aging & Aesthtic medicine, Dubai 2008.

Dacryocystorhinostomy: past, present and future.
Sciscio A.
Emirates Ophthalmology Conference, Dubai 2008

Modern concepts in Blepharoplasty.
Sciscio A.
Women’s Health, Dubai 2009.


Facoemulsificazione, corso base.
Director: Prof Mastropasqua, Faculty: Dr Sciscio, Dr Maurino, Dr Wilkins.
Congresso Internazionale Società’ Oculistica Italiana, Firenze 2005.

Facoemulsificazione, gestione delle complicanze
Director: Prof Mastropasqua, Faculty: Dr Sciscio, Dr Maurino, Dr Wilkins
Congresso Internazionale Società’ Oculistica Italiana, Firenze 2005

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